Elevate the product to the high quality

Fish Gelatin
Blue capsule

Fish Gelatin
Fish gelatin is a natural and safe product providing the best solution for companies who are looking for a non-mammalian alternative to traditional gelatins.
Fish Gelatin
fish gelatin is a type “A” gelatin exclusively extracted from fish and processed on premises at our state of the art facility with ISO, HACCP and Halal certified, and meeting the highest sanitary and GMP standards.
In our plant we only use fish as our material, and we purchase only the best raw material from official veterinary authorities approved suppliers which officially inspected to be fit for human consumption.

Fish Gelatin grades

Fish Gelatin for Soft Capsule Softgel

  • Jelly strengths ranging from 100–275 bloom
  • Different grade of viscosity from 20-50 mps
  • Granulation ranging from 8-60 mesh

Applications and grades

Applications And Grades
Fish Gelatin is primarily used in soft and hard capsules as well as in several food applications such as gummy confectioneries, pates or aspics


  • Fish Gelatin is a pure and natural quality protein.
  • Fish Gelatin is considered as a premium ingredient by consumers.
  • It is a unique alternative to bovine and porcine gelatines allowing to fulfill cultural and religious needs.
  • It is a versatile ingredient matching the functionalities of traditional gelatins : whipping, gelling, thermo-reversibility, emulsifying and many more
  • Since gelatin is considered as an ingredient, Fish Gelatin has no e-number.

Fish gelatin is odorless and tasteless, free of preservatives, carbohydrates, fat, or cholesterol.

Fish Gelatin Thailand